New Year, New Sleep Routine!

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As a mom of two small children, I’m doing everything possible to simplify life for both myself and my kids! If that involves re-establishing a routine, even if they resist, so be it. Ultimately, the routine benefits not only us as parents but also the children. What better opportunity than the New Year for a fresh start—a time to set goals, dream big, and seek a bit more peace amidst the chaos. For moms like me, however, the most challenging resolution might be this: ensuring everyone in the house gets enough sleep!

With a 3-month-old who wakes during the night, and a 5-year-old who suddenly seems allergic to bedtime, sleep feels like a luxury I can’t quite afford. But as we step into a new year, I’m determined to reset our nighttime routine—not aiming for perfection, but striving for progress!

Two Kids, Two Completely Different Sleep Needs

Juggling the sleep habits of two kids at different stages is like juggling plates while blindfolded. My infant is still waking frequently to feed or just because she wants a little company. Meanwhile, my 5-year-old, who used to be a bedtime champ, has transformed into a master negotiator.

“Five more minutes, Mommy!” “I need water.” “Im hungry” “Can we read just one more story?”

Every evening feels like a mini marathon, and by the time both kids are asleep, I’m too exhausted to remember my own name.

we all need sleep!

This Year’s Goal: Better Sleep for Everyone

I’m not expecting miracles—life with small kids doesn’t work that way. But I believe in the power of small, consistent changes. This year, my sleep routine reset is about finding strategies that work for both my kids and, just as importantly, for me.

The Nighttime Reset Plan:

For My 2-Month-Old:

Newborns are unpredictable, but there are a few tricks that can help:

  • Set a soothing environment: A white noise machine and dim lighting help signal that it’s time to sleep.
  • Bath Time: We do bath time at least 30 minutes before last feeding and bed, This helps with letting them know, ok its bath time, we are going to bed soon. 
  • Focus on feeding: Ensuring he gets a good feed before bedtime stretches his first sleep window a little longer.
  • Work with his rhythm: I’ve learned that trying to force a newborn into a strict schedule is like arguing with the wind. Instead, I’m tuning in to her natural patterns and gently guiding her toward more predictable naps and bedtimes.

2. For My 4-Year-Old:

The holidays threw my preschooler’s routine out the window, but we’re getting back on track:

  • Last call for snacks: Lets be clear, we all know they want food right before bed just so they don’t have to sleep, and its always right after they brush their teeth and right when they lay down! We will be implimenting last call for bedtime snacks 15 minutes before teeth brushing. After she brushes her teeth, thats it! No more snacks until morning. 
  • Stick to consistent timing: No more letting bedtime creep later and later. We’re back to the same time each night.
  • Add a calming ritual: A bedtime story followed by a few minutes of cuddles and quiet time helps her wind down.

Don’t Forget About Mom

Resetting the sleep routine isn’t just about the kids—it’s about me, too. Here’s what I’m doing to survive and thrive:

  • Create a mini bedtime ritual: Even if it’s just five minutes to read, stretch, sip a cup of tea, or even scrolling on my social media to keep up, I’m prioritizing a moment to unwind before collapsing into bed.
  • Ask for help: Whether it’s my partner taking a night shift with the baby or a friend dropping off a meal, I’m learning to accept support instead of trying to do it all (It’s ok to ask for help, even if you do feel like you can do it all, you don’t have to!)

Celebrating the Small Wins

Some nights will still be tough—that’s just the reality of life with young kids. But each small step toward a smoother routine is a win worth celebrating. Maybe tonight my baby sleeps for five hours instead of four, or my 4-year-old skips her usual stalling tactics. Those moments are my proof that progress is possible.

So here’s to the parents out there starting their own sleep routine resets this year. It’s not about perfect schedules or perfectly behaved kids. It’s about trying, learning, and showing up for our little ones and ourselves.

Happy New Year, and may your 2025 be filled with as many restful nights as possible!

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